School's out!

Hey everyone,
I just graduated from Princeton Seminary on Saturday, and this silly picture is currently on the PTS website ( That isn't really my diploma.
My parents and brother flew out (Adam on a red eye) and my girlfriend Kristina came up from DC for the event. I met most of my friends' parents for the first time, and we had a last hurrah on grad night after all the parents had gone to bed. It was a fun time, needless to say. Everybody went home today, and I am hanging around until next weekend when two of my friends are getting married here in Princeton. In the meantime I am looking for job postings, writing cover letters, and packing up my apartment. On Memorial Day, Kristina and I will move my possessions down to DC in a U-Haul, and I am looking forward to getting together with Canterburians in the area (Missy, we need to have coffee, especially while I am unemployed). I am looking for non-profit jobs in social work or other direct service, but also applied for teaching positions at prep schools. I may want to do the whole PhD thing someday (or get an MSW?) but for now I am sooooo glad to be done with school and have an adult job and life.
Next month I will be going to Hawaii for the first time on family vacation with my parents, Kristina, and my brother and his wife. It should be tons of fun. Hopefully I will have a job by then, although employers may not be too jazzed about me taking a vacation my first month on the job. Hopefully I will be able to keep myself in the loop better than I have the past year or so. I didn't even know that Sean and Jill were going out (let alone engaged!) until a couple weeks ago! Hope you all are well, and everyone is welcome to visit us in DC.