School's out!

Hey everyone,
I just graduated from Princeton Seminary on Saturday, and this silly picture is currently on the PTS website ( That isn't really my diploma.
My parents and brother flew out (Adam on a red eye) and my girlfriend Kristina came up from DC for the event. I met most of my friends' parents for the first time, and we had a last hurrah on grad night after all the parents had gone to bed. It was a fun time, needless to say. Everybody went home today, and I am hanging around until next weekend when two of my friends are getting married here in Princeton. In the meantime I am looking for job postings, writing cover letters, and packing up my apartment. On Memorial Day, Kristina and I will move my possessions down to DC in a U-Haul, and I am looking forward to getting together with Canterburians in the area (Missy, we need to have coffee, especially while I am unemployed). I am looking for non-profit jobs in social work or other direct service, but also applied for teaching positions at prep schools. I may want to do the whole PhD thing someday (or get an MSW?) but for now I am sooooo glad to be done with school and have an adult job and life.
Next month I will be going to Hawaii for the first time on family vacation with my parents, Kristina, and my brother and his wife. It should be tons of fun. Hopefully I will have a job by then, although employers may not be too jazzed about me taking a vacation my first month on the job. Hopefully I will be able to keep myself in the loop better than I have the past year or so. I didn't even know that Sean and Jill were going out (let alone engaged!) until a couple weeks ago! Hope you all are well, and everyone is welcome to visit us in DC.
Congratulations, Zack! You look pretty excited....slightly frantic, too, but believe me, I have no grounds to tease anyone about his or her graduation pictures. You ought to see mine.... Looking forward to seeing you next month for dinner in DC. While you're in Hawaii, make sure to find a good Polynesian band to play you "Take Me Home Country Roads" parents did this in 1968 when the army flew them there for R&R, and it's never ceased to crack me up.
So proud of you Zack - we'll done! Look forward to hearing what new adventures will await you! Slightly jealous about Hawii - but just get back from couple week in Caribbean with my fam, so should probablly just be happy for you :-)
A hearty congratulations for a major accomplishment in your life! Enjoy your unemployment while it lasts, I hope you can find meaningful and satisfying work in your field!
Congrats! What a milestone! All the best to you as you begin a beautiful new chapter in your life.
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