Travel update
It's been wonderful to see more "#10 Canterbury Road" messages in my inbox these days. Although I don't post much, I do love hearing how everyone is doing.My student visa arrived this month and I officially purchased my plane ticket to London this morning. I am thrilled at how beautifully everything is coming together... I'll be arriving in England on 17 September to begin classes at UEA on the 22nd. Needless to say, I'm very excited to be taking classes again--especially in a field that I'll continue to learn and work in for the rest of my life. I recently read Umberto Eco's Experiences in Translation and was filled with a rare sense of satisfaction: Yes. This is what I want to do.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, wherever you find yourselves. :)
(Housekeeping note: With the addition of Mike's blog, I've decided to put our personal sites in a separate category. If anyone else has a blog/livejournal/zanga/myspace page, please let me know. I'd love to see this little collection grow.)