I'm engaged!
So. As of May 24, 2009 (date still tentative) Josh Brackett will be the last remaining unmarried man from #10 (Canterbury Road, not Downing Street). Unless he surprises everyone and beats Sean and I to the punch...Yes, after many weeks of trying to adopt a kitty for my girlfriend Kristina (the plan was to have a certain token of my esteem tied around its neck) I finally succeeded yesterday! Kristina knew the kitty was coming, and was so excited when she got home that she failed to notice the open bottle of rather nice wine breathing on the counter. She scooped up the little kitten and was completely smitten, but failed to notice what was tied around little "Lola's" neck. It took a minute, but I tried to be nonchalant in suggesting she investigate the little red ribbon a little more closely. She was completely surprised (mission accomplished), which is hard to do with her since she doesn't like surprises and is good at figuring them out. She is like my mother in that way (they get along famously), who always knew what all of her Christmas presents were going to be in advance, driving my Dad and brother and I to ever more elaborate methods of concealing and hiding the presents (to no avail). But I digress. After an initial bout of stunned speechlessness, Kristina eventually managed to utter the much anticipated word "Yes".
The engagement itself was highly anticipated and long-awaited by everyone involved. Many friends and relatives were perplexed by the fact that we had already made arrangements for our wedding reception, and were working on a location for the ceremony (hopefully the Quaker meeting house we have been attending). Kristina herself had been impatient for me to pop the question and to get the kitties (not realizing that the two were to go together), but my efforts were repeatedly thwarted by the zeal of the Washington Humane Society and other local shelters to make sure that adopted pets go to a stable home. Commendable, to be sure, but it made things very difficult for me. I have been trying to make this happen for nearly two months now!
I got a surprise myself when Kristina got down on one knee a few minutes later and reciprocated the question-popping, with a somewhat heftier ring she had picked up. It was all very egalitarian and suited us quite well.
Needless to say we are really excited and have been calling everyone we know. I am so glad to share my news with all y'all fine people! I hope I will get to see a few of you before I am a married man, and more of you after. Cheers!