07 December 2004

Lifetime Student

That's meant to mean I am a student for life, not that I am a student of Lifetime, Television for Women. Crap. Ah, well...

Yes, I'm still in school. After I finished up at ORU, I headed off to law school at Saint Louis University. After a year of that, I decided 2005 was just too soon to be done with school and I didn't hate myself enough. So I decided to go to business school at the same time. So, in May 2006, I will have my bachelor's, master's, and a doctorate. If at any point after that I decide to go back to school for any reason other than the fate of the free world, I officially give you permission to come to wherever I am and pull my hair or kick me or force me to listen to the Spice Girls or whatever.

You should be happy to know that some things never change. As of right now, I have a take-home final for an international business class due tomorrow that I have yet to start on. (Somewhere Betsy and Andrea are getting misty-eyed.) In my defense (no pun intended), I had a 3-hour criminal procedure final today so I think I deserve a little time-wasting. And if after 20 years of school (wow, thats depressing), I can't pull off a paper in one day, I don't deserve to get it done. If there is one thing I learned in the jolly ole land of Eng, its that you should never write today what is due tomorrow. And that you should never start researching today what is due tomorrow. Goofing off on the internet is ALWAYS priority. Although, I will probably keep that bit of advice to myself when talking to potential clients. :)

It has been so good to hear from people though. I swear that I am going to be cleaning Carrie's toilets when we get to heaven. Geez! She's amazing! Same with Nicole. They're off helping the street rats, aids victims, and refugees of the world, while I whine about finals. Mad props to all you guys who are actually out there making a difference. I'm so very proud to be associated with you. If you ever need a procrastinating lawyer, I'm yours!


At 1:45 PM, Blogger amcorrea said...

Holy Cow! I've yet to begin *applying* to schools for my masters (although hopefully that changes next month). Laziness is relative... ;) So happy you're here, Julie! :)

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Julie, great to hear what you're up to. Glad to know you haven't changed since the good 'ole days, as far as your superior skills of procrastination. =) Hey, do you remember giving me a fun green sweater when we left Oxford? I'm wearing it today- it has become my favorite sweater over the past several years. Good luck with finals!!!


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