09 June 2005

As you wish

Chelsey asked for updates, so I must comply...exciting life events or not. And warning: random ramblings ahead. I thought about blogging on the day that we had that nice little "airplane in Capitol airspace" scare, just because it was the first slightly interesting thing to happen in a while. (Reason # 53 that it is great to work on Capitol Hill: Evacuations. There is nothing like the Capitol Police yelling that there is an unidentified plane trespassing into Capitol airspace. And no, folks, this is not a drill. Being on the top floor of the Longworth building is very good for my spiritual health, as I will certainly die if anyone ever actually hits our building, and I need to be prepared to meet my Maker.)

But you all got the non-ending reports on the news, and of course everything ended up fine, and it was just a stupid, stupid, STUPID pilot of the little prop plane who was eventually escorted by F-16s into Maryland. Good riddance, I say. Take them to Maryland.

Other than that...I've been planning a wedding...and promoted to the back desk in my office (a window! a window, I say!)...and looking forward to October when everything has settled down and I'm used to being Missy Small and I know the best way to get from "our house" to work and we can go calmly into sweet fall as if normalcy is a real thing instead of just something imagined. I've been playing a bit with Virginia Woolf's "Common Reader" (not to be all booky, Ryan), trying to remember who Agammemnon is and what exactly Euripides wrote. It's been good to remember that in this rational, schedule-run world in which I thrive there are also beautiful impractical things.

Of course, June's "book of the month" is the complete Harry Potter series, gearing up for the release of book six next month. I can't always be in a heady, intellectual and philosophy driven world! :)

Thanks for the little escape into this old world. Right now I have a hearing on pension reform to go to, and when I get home I have to continue gluing lace and flowers to various things. Look forward to hearing your random ramblings as well!


At 2:33 AM, Blogger amcorrea said...

I rec'd your announcement in the mail today (my first piece of real mail). Congrats!

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Zack said...

Hmmm... a dismissive jab at the state of Maryland just thrown in there. Then again, given my irrational prejudices against hair metal, he-capries, Paris Hilton, Peruvian flute bands (like the one playing incessantly in the square behing St. Michael's!), and (God help us!) the euro mullet (please tell me it isn't cool in the States!), I gues I ain't one to talk. Nicole, for instance, is quite certain she hates my home state, despite her never having watched the sun set over Big Sur or hiked Half Dome on a hot August day. It just goes to show that even a bunch of intelligent, free-thinking, fair-minded people like us bloggers and bloggettes have our irrational side. That's what makes us so much fun! By the way, all in good fun everyone, of course.


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