13 October 2005


It's not that I really have anything necessary to write - but the network server at work is down and we are technically not "allowed" to work on our local network, so I have found myself a bit bored on a Thursday afternoon, although I have a meeting at the LSO (London Symphony Orchestra) in about 45 min, so my randomness will have to find conclusion by then.

It is raining in London, has been for a few days now. I don't own an umbrella and yet still take long walks along the river, and therefore am often a little wet. Yesterday I took such a long walk in the rain and ended up at a cd store in Waterloo dripping on the merchandise and the staff did not think I was as charming as I did.

Things are the same as they were last time - I still work. I still live in the ghetto. I still drink too much coffee. I still ... otherthings which will be ommitted here...

I am returning to the US in December for 3 weeks with my family - so if any of you find yourself in the great city of Minneapolis please stop by for a visit. Everytime I visit my parents I feel as if I am in a bit of a social vacuum, not that there is anything socially inept with the Midwest. I just don't like it.

My young people are good. One group has formed a Young Leaders Against Crime project and will be doing research (i.e. interviews) into various forms of response to youth crime (i.e. politians, police, crime diversion schemes). We are also planning a trip to NYC for February where they will do some research around the American response to youth crime. They are quite excited to go out in New York, but don't fully understand that they'll have to be 21 yrs which will be difficult as they are 17-20 yrs.

In other news - latest film: Crash (v. good). latest book: the 6 wives of Henery VIII by Allison Weir (have read 3 of her books lately - think maybe i should have studied history). latsts cd: Michael Jackson, Number Ones (bought it yesterday on impulse to make up to the store clerks for dripping on their merchandise - but love it and have listened to it 3 times now).

Alright, am off now. Take care all :-)


At 9:04 PM, Blogger Zack said...

Hey Nicole, I love your random thoughts and am glad to hear them. Have a few of my own from time to time (surprise, surprise, and cf. below). Let me know when you'll be in New York, dear. I long for your London rain right now (i.e. the sort that does usually not last all day but eventually returns to the warm (meaning cold) and comforting grey gloom that we all grew to love in England). This rather than the storms of biblical proportions that have been going for forty days and nights (okay, maybe only ten, but it's ridiculous) in New Jersey. Allegedly it will brighten up tomorrow, and hopefully the rains will subside until the new fall leaves have had their glorious moment in the sun. I must say I LOVE fall on the east coast, and am looking forward to experiencing my, er, second one. Also (if Chelsey and the hard return Gestapo will indulge the white-water paddle down my stream of consciousness), things at PTS are going well, although quite busy between classes and my two jobs. Cake in comparison to Oxford, although a helluvalot of reading. I am currently practicing my response for Christmastime at home, when people will ask 'Where are you going to grad school?' to which I will reply, 'Princeton *coughseminarycough*' and subtly shift to the 'establish my intellectual superiority' distraction question 'So, how's your Latin?' Unlike quite a lot of my classmates, at whom I look somewhat disapprovingly, I do not (yet...?) own any 'Princeton UNIVERSITY' paraphenalia (or 'paraphernalia' in the archaic OED spelling). 'Excuse me,' I want to say, 'we don't technically go there,' by which in fact I mean that we do not, in fact, go there at all (even if we are a wimpy golf swing away). The words 'Universitas Princetoneisis' (yes, they really are in Latin, hand-drawn caligraphy no less, I've seen them) will not be appearing on our MDiv. diplomas, much as we might like to say, 'Well, we're a part of the Princeton academic community, etc.' On an unrelated note, thanks Ryan for calling to congratulate me on my team's victory. It was nice to hear your voice again (first time since Vic's wedding, I think). Well, I think these ramblings are sufficient distraction from my studies for a Friday afternoon. With any luck my next entry may come on a coherent day. Cheers everyone.

At 7:24 PM, Blogger Missy Small said...

I want to know, too! A trip to NYC is well worth it to see old friends (though Andrea and I didn't manage last time)! That is all from me, for while I appreciated wading down zack's stream I am in the middle of cleaning house, and ew, nothing is more prosaic. I'm reminding myself that "cleaning house" and "marriage" are not synonymous, and that I had to do it when I was single, too...

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

thanks you two - and zack nice to talk however briefly yesterday - and hear your voice.

my trip to new york will be the week of Feb 20th (or 20 Feb). i would love to see you when i'm there - but i will also be working so it may involve you tagging around with us to a meal or sight-seeing trip. although my young people are fabulous and i (i.e. London City YMCA) will treat :-)
take care and happy monday...

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Zack said...

Feb. 20th is marked on my calendar, and I am up for doing anything that involves Nicole (even if I have to help keep an eye on young people). I'll really be looking forward to that, esp. if Missy makes it up too!

At 5:18 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

yeah! see you then!

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

I wish I lived further north! Nicole, it would be great to see you again - it's been a really long time. I'm sure you'll love showing your British crew your old stomping grounds. Hopefully you'll get snow! Although after 3 weeks in Minn. you might be really sick of snow.


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