25 September 2006

As promised . . . dumbing down this blog

Did anybody catch The Office on Thursday? If any of you don't think it's the funniest show on television you should be tested for mental illness. Seriously, it's incredible.

Granted, Thursday's epidsode was a little on the awkward side, but still very funny. I was with a crowd of people I don't know that well, and I wasn't sure at times whether it was ok to laugh. So I watched it again last night and just let it all out. I'm a little concerned that the writers will drag out parts of the story line all season without getting anywhere, but I must increase in my faith of these people. They have entertained me for two seasons, and I must trust them once again.

I'm also going to be watching Studio 60 tonight . . . that may become one of my favorites. We'll see


At 5:19 PM, Blogger Missy Small said...

so, i think "the office" is hilarious. we've recently decided to make a point of watching it, since up until now we have only laughed hysterically when we've run across it accidentally. as for "studio 60," let me know what you think. i want to watch it but haven't been able to yet. plus, it's on late for old me...

At 12:55 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

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At 2:47 PM, Blogger Missy Small said...

okay, you've convinced me--dvr it is. I've actually been detoxing from tv for the past year or so, tired of the pressure of being in the right place at the right time (or remembering to set the VCR appropriately) every week. Since "Friends" ended I haven't really been watching much of anything. But I'm ready to become addicted again. And as we don't even have a VCR anymore...

At 12:50 AM, Blogger Zack said...

You must watch the British version of The Office. I'm sure the American version has taken the ball and run with it admirably, but it is difficult for me to believe that the original can be topped. Please rent the DVDs and tell me what you think. I am eager to hear how you think they match up.

Regarding the premarital sex thing, you bring up a interesting question. I actually know quite a few Christians who feel comfortable with sex before marriage. I would contend that you can actually make a case either way, biblically. I am around a lot of single twenty-somethings with heads full of theology and bodies full of hormones, and it is interesting to hear what a variety of perspectives on all things sexual are represented. I doubt the writers of Studio 60 are quite so nuanced as to go into the character's decision-making process in that regard. That might not make great TV, but I would find it interesting. It would make for a more complex character, too.

My question to the group is this: is Christian morality rule-based? In other words is there any distinctively Christian code of moral rules? Or is Christian morality understood in a different way? Any thoughts?

If this is undumbing too much, my apologies. I have always been a big fan of Seinfeld, and am prepared, at a moment's notice, to disect the minutiae of the positioning of second buttons on men's shirts. I have several that are too high, and often complain about them.

At 5:18 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

As an added note, everyone should have a DVR (like TiVo or another brand). I don't care if you don't even have cable, a DVR will change your life for the better. It's only $13 a month. Can't come up with the $? Sell some books and use your library card instead.

And if you're too lazy to get books from the library, you're just the kind of person who needs a DVR.

At 5:29 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

Zack, you present very good, stimulating questions; and I appreciate your thoughtful comments on a worthwhile discussion.

In retrospect, however, my previous television op-ed was kind of silly . . . so I've removed it. And I hereby abstain from further intercourse on the topic.


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