10 December 2004

What I miss from Oxford

10) Chips 'n' hummus from Ali's kebob stand
09) Scruffy Dave and the rest of the Starbucks crew
08) Zack vacuuming his skin (why, why, why was that so funny?)
07) Being one of not just two or three, but four or five people up at 3 a.m. writing a paper
06) Dean Philpott running his hand through his hair and tossing his head back in that quasi-Paris Hilton manner
05) G & D's ice cream/the Creperie/that Pizza Hut excursion at the beginning of term with like 20 of us
04) Sean's 8p Baked Beans. I wish I could live on that man's budget.
03) Being threatened that our kitchen would be shut down if we didn't clean it...a day before our Integral papers were due
02) Our community dinners in the common room, right above...
01) Greg


At 10:09 PM, Blogger amcorrea said...

"I confess I do not believe in time. I like to fold my magic carpet, after use, in such a way as to superimpose one part of the pattern upon another. Let visitors trip. And the highest enjoyment of timelessness -- in a landscape selected at random -- is when I stand among rare butterflies and their food plants. This is ecstasy, and behind the ecstasy is something else, which is hard to explain. It is like a momentary vacuum into which rushes all that I love. A sense of oneness with sun and stone. A thrill of gratitude to whom it may concern -- to the contrapuntal genius of human fate or to tender ghosts humoring a lucky mortal."
~ Vladimir Nabokov; Speak, Memory

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Zack said...

Call me a navel-gazer, but I really identified with that part about 'a momentary vacuum into which rushes all that I love.'

At 12:08 PM, Blogger Zack said...

By the way, it may be of note to you all that a really decent human being and his family, whom I (and now Nicole) can personally vouch for has taken over Captain Greg(ory the Great)'s job and living quarters. My favorite History prof from Biola has returned to his ACU roots to try to get those kids into shape. Apparently, ACU now has enough students in the program that CMRS (also now semi-defunct -- didya know?)students no longer live there. Also, through my connections with CCCU, I've learned that Council students are no longer studying through CMRS (probably because they aren't sufficiently 'evangelical'). Apparently it really is a better deal, however, as the students can actually use the Bodleian (*drying my eyes*) at normal hours. Also, rumor has it that Stan 'the Man' Rosenberg is moving back to a sunner part of the world, and Mdm. Dr. Katie Finlay (not Fenely) will be taking over. More gossip as it comes in...

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Wow, Zack, you're really up on the Oxford events! After reading Chelsea's list, I laughed to remember Zack's impression of Greg...something along the lines of busting into a room and yelling "what thuh hellll is goin' on heah?!" in an amazing Texas accent. If the words "amazing" and "Texas accent" can actually be used in the same sentence. Huh. I am currently trying to perfect my Australian accent for the sole reason that I have decided it is one of the coolest accents ever. Well, Scottish is pretty cool too, but it seems more manly...an now that we've traveled waaaay to far into Carrie's head, I'm out.

At 9:48 PM, Blogger Zack said...

Okay, before any of you get too worked up about my gossip, you must remember that it came to me as semi-gossip, too, so I am not up on the exact details. But I now commit myself to thoroughly researching, through all channels at my disposal, all of the ongoing CMRS drama for your updating pleasure. By the way, I go back to California (where the sun shines) on Sunday. None of you care, but after 3 mos. of England (we all know what that's like) a change would do me good for a bit.

At 5:33 PM, Blogger amcorrea said...

Say hello to my long-lost home state for me!

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Zack said...

Chelsey, don't forget to mention your objections to Greg's demand, tacked to the cathedral door at Wittenberg, I mean the kitchen door. That was a riot, and now that I think about it we didn't see too much of Captain Greg after that, did we?


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