01 April 2006

Right Now at the Smalls:

* Missy is eating leftover birthday cake.
* A picture of Krista and Scott is smiling from the wall, reminding Missy that she still hasn't booked a hotel for the wedding--two weeks from today.
* Jason has typhoid and malaria (vaccines).
* the rosemary plants are finally sprouting in the herb garden.
* "Thank-you" gifts of Idaho Huckleberry Jam from our friends who stayed with us this week are sitting on the counter.
* The fridge needs cleaned out.
* Spring is springing, and so are the hoards of tourists clammering out of tour buses.
* Jason is giving his dad a hard time that the drawers for our kitchen are still not done, 18 months later.
* The drawer front in our kitchen that LOOKS like it should hold silverware but is not yet actually a drawer is hanging askew on the cabinet, as yet another guest accidentally pulled it off trying to get a spoon.
* No one has gone biking yet today.
* People are wearing shorts.
* I got a really great email from Mike this week.
* Jason's guitar case is splayed out over the spare room bed.
* Only 3 unused Kleenexes remain in the last box in the house.
* A list of "things to take to Africa next week" sits on Jason's desk.
* The alarm clock dreads being set for an hour earlier before we go to bed tonight.
* A letter from George Mason's English graduate program lies on Missy's desk, still being pondered.


At 4:44 AM, Blogger Zack said...

Who wouldn't want a Masters degree from a uni with a Final Four basketball team? You know you will be awesome in that program, Missy. You know you want it. If it's the right time. I support you in whatever decision you make, but especially in the one that involves you reading lots of literature. Ooh, and you can recommend books!


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