14 December 2004

Okay, it's time for gossip.

Zack started it, with all the CMRS news & such. Now let's do some internal gossip about each other: Who's married, where do people live, who has famous jobs, who's died, etc.

Here's what I know:

Married people = Me, Mike, Ryan (or so I hear), Laura, Jesse?, Betsy?

Where people live = Not the West Coast (except me, apparently)

Famous jobs = None that I know of, though Missy comes closest

Please please please gossip. If this post goes without comments, I shall delete it in a blush of embarrassment and never show my red face again.


At 2:04 PM, Blogger amcorrea said...

No, no--this is good! Elizabeth is also married...and pregnant (last I heard)! Nicole would know more... (Where are you?)

At 2:17 PM, Blogger amcorrea said...

Vic is also married.

At 4:29 PM, Blogger amcorrea said...

I think it was something along the lines of them not getting paid... :D

(Of course, we all had our suspicions about Bruno, but she denied "dating" him. Oh wait, I think you mean Phillip... There were so many! ;)

I just remember the horrified expression on her face when confronted with what we thought we heard! But she was a great sport about it. It would be very cool to have her come by here...

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Missy Small said...

I'm definitely not famous. However, I did ride up the elevator with Ted Kennedy one day.

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Zack said...

Funny that you say that Missy, because when I was working at 'Cosi' (sh*tey coffee) on Capitol Hill I had both Ted Kennedy (or at least a guy who looked like him, I thought he wasn't quite as hefty as he looks on C-SPAN) and a guy who looked like Tom Daschle (recently unseated by a Biola grad) on the same night. I can only claim celebrity look-alike sightings, alas.

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Zack said...

Jesse is not married, but hopefully he can tell you all about that (and where he currently lives) himself soon.
Josh is in the Army and starts Ranger training soon (again, hopefully he can tell us all about that himself, the mysterious rascal).

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Zack said...

Although I re-established e-mail contact just before he joined the blog, nonetheless I must say 'Hooray for Jesse being on the 'blong'.'
He also inspired me to do the whole update summary thing. See my posting (*please*)

At 4:36 AM, Blogger Zack said...

Betsy is indeed married, to her dream man from her youth, one of the (only slightly older) counselors from high school summer camp. This occurred after working at a cowboy bar in Colorado for one year (did you see Coyote Ugly? imagine Betsy in the Tyra Banks role). She and her hubby now live in Colorado (last I heard). I almost got a ride to her wedding with friends of hers from Chicago, but it didn't work out (I guess Betsy, understandably, had better things to do two days before her wedding than check e-mail repeatedly). Alas, we have not been in touch since then.

At 1:47 AM, Blogger Zack said...

By the way, "Tom Daschle" is a fan of the 'Gigante' skinny-extra-hot-no-foam-with-whip-hazelnut-latte. "Ted Kennedy", on the other hand, is the sort to come in and stink up the bathroom without so much as buying anything or even looking at the poor late-night barista, who would love to enlighten him with a critique of Hobbes he wrote at CMRS.

At 12:37 AM, Blogger Missy Small said...

Having squeezed into that elevator with the Senior Senator from Massachusetts, I can officially say that he is indeed larger than life. So, Zack, if your "Kennedy" did not look as big behind the Cosi counter as he does on CSPAN, I would venture to say that he wasn't the real McCoy.


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